Personal Details
First Name
Number of dependents
Date of Birth
Place of birth
Marital Status
Address name or number
Post Code
Time at this address (in years)
Previous address name or number (if less than 3 years at current address)
Previous street
Previous address town
Previous address county
Residential Status
Who do you normally bank with?
If other bank, please specify
Time with Branch
Identification Type
Identification Number (e.g. PPS no.)
Employment Details
Address name or number (Work)
Street (Work)
Town (Work)
County (Work)
Telephone (Work)
Employment Status
Time with Employer
Monthly Income after Tax
Loan Details
Which make are you interested in?
Which model are you interested in?
What is the year of the vehicle you are interested in?
Trade-In or Deposit Amount
Term you would like to finance
Outstanding loan on your trade-in
Data Protection and Consents
Warning! if you do not meet the repayments on your credit agreement, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, (which maylimit your ability to access credit in the future).The information that you provide on this proposal form will be forwarded to one or more financial institutions, being members of the Irish Finance Houses Association, and will be used by them for the purposes of assessing the suitability for you of their finance products, potentially offering you a product or a quote. As part of this process, credit searches will be made with one or more credit reference agencies, including the Irish Credit Bureau (ICB), which will make a record of the search. Details of any agreement you enter into, and your conduct of that agreement, may be shared with the credit reference agencies, ICB and their members. Searches may also be carried out to verify your identity, and you may be contacted directly (including by telephone) for the purposes of verifying the information on this form. Credit scoring and other automated decision-making process may be used. By ticking the consent box below, I certify that I consent to the use and disclosure of this information for the purposes set out above. I acknowledge that the recipients of this information are authorised to contact me and to disclose any material misstatements of fact on this proposal to their members and other relevant bodies.
Tick here to confirm consent by applicant
Tick here to confirm you are over 18 years of age
I would like to receive personalised communications based on my preferences and use of products and services from Frank Keane and BMW Group companies